FAQs Employers
1. What is a Bid?
A Bid is a job offer created by a candidate who is actively seeking employment and is willing to work for you if the specified working conditions in their offer are respected.
2. I am interested in a candidate's Bid, how can I apply for the candidate?
It's simple. On the same webpage where you find the details of the Bid you want to apply for, you'll find a form to submit your application. We will then verify the candidate's availability and proceed to schedule the interview.
3. I applied for a Bid, what is the next step?
Great! You’ve taken the final step to connect with the candidate you're interested in for your open position. Once we confirm the candidate's availability, we will send you an electronic invoice of $20 via email if you're not a subscriber (subscribers won’t be charged). We will verify that the payment has been processed, and once confirmed, we will proceed to schedule an interview.
4. What happens if the candidate is not available?
Since we won’t charge you until we confirm the candidate’s availability, you won’t need to worry if the candidate is not available. Additionally, we will take the time to provide you with some Bids similar to the one you applied for, so you can continue your search for the right candidate.
5. I applied for a candidate, their availability was confirmed, and I paid the fee to schedule the interview. What happens if the candidate doesn't show up for the interview?
We understand that even though we contact the candidate beforehand, there may be instances where the candidate does not show up for the interview. In such cases, we will investigate the situation, and if we confirm that it was indeed the candidate's fault, we will proceed to give you a full refund.
6. I interviewed the candidate and found they were not suitable for my team. Can I request a refund?
We understand that not all hiring processes have a happy ending. Unfortunately, our model is based on connecting actively job-seeking candidates with employers looking to fill a vacancy in their team. Once this connection is made, we are not responsible for nor involved in the candidate's hiring process, and therefore our refund policies do not apply. However, we recognize that each case is special, so we recommend contacting us for better guidance on your specific situation.
7. I interviewed the candidate I applied for and realized that the candidate provided false or incorrect information in their Bid. Can I request a refund?
At Hire My Bid, we aim to give candidates the freedom to express their needs, working conditions, and highlight their strengths, skills, and work experience, which is why we do not verify the information specified by the candidate in their Bid. Since we do not verify the accuracy of the data provided by the candidate, we understand that some or all of the information given may not be accurate. In such cases, please contact us so we can initiate an investigation into the Bid information. If we confirm that the information is indeed false, we will proceed to give you a full refund of your purchase.
8. Where can I find more information about Hire My Bid's terms of use, privacy policy, and refund policy?
We invite you to visit our Terms of Use page, where you can find all the additional information you need: Terms of Use.
9. I would like to receive more personalized information. Is there a way Hire My Bid can address my specific questions?
Of course! At Hire My Bid, we are here to assist you with anything you need. You can schedule a meeting with one of our representatives here!
